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The Cloud Is Undersea: The Positive Local Impact of Global Subsea Cable Systems

Under the intense speed of that digital light, and the throughput it accelerates, communities and economies spring to life—taking root, budding, and thriving.

Investing in backhaul fiber yields positive economic impact

As the turnkey provider of sea-to-city backhaul conduits and fiber, we are firsthand witnesses to the positive life- and work-changing impact created when these routes and destinations suddenly become “lit”. Growth of all types and scale occurs. Under the intense speed of digital light, and the throughput it accelerates, communities and economies spring to life — taking root, budding, and thriving.

This organic growth occurs not only in the newly lit communities themselves, but it also expands, web-like, to form and feed adjacent communities. From individuals to companies to neighborhoods and municipalities, new ecosystems are birthed through the spark and speed of that fiber optic light.

Regional Impact

We’ve seen firsthand how this investment drives a vast array of business opportunity engines throughout a region. New lines of connectivity from cable landing stations to data centers attract commercial and residential development — becoming catalyst points that spur additional communications and commercial growth.

A key impact that subsea backhaul infrastructure delivers regionally is lighting up geographic dead spots to set the foundation for overall economic growth and civic revitalization in regions that have previously lacked reliable connectivity.

Expanding and updating communications infrastructure without depleting strained or insufficient budgets allows municipalities to better support the communities they serve. Areas of Impact often include:

  • Modernizing outdated government IT/telecom systems
  • Improving public safety communications
  • Fueling strategic public/private partnerships
  • Enhancing services and improve the lives of municipal constituencies
  • Increasing cellular coverage/throughput and radio-based connectivity access points

Even a single long-haul fiber optic route can yield far-reaching economic impacts to businesses across all strata when strategically mapped out. Added lines of connectivity drive digital transformation for high-data-consuming industrial and manufacturing operations. Medical centers, research institutions and other strategic verticals requiring higher levels of speed and bandwidth are empowered, advancing ever-expanding cloud, automation and AI proliferation. Network infrastructure is increased, extending cellular connectivity.

This in turn promotes the creation of new beneficiaries — home office setups and small-to-medium sized businesses. It additionally supports wholesale communications by allowing regional/local broadband providers to cost-effectively expand operations and bring access to more customers.

Subsea fiber optic cable systems bring the “power of possibility” to the world’s communities.

  • Connecting unserved and underserved communities by expanding access to broadband communications infrastructure and services.
  • Extending the reach of existing residential cellular, telecom and ISP services.
  • Empowering K-12 schools and centers of higher education by enhancing teaching tools, applications and online resources.
  • Helping provide all students with equal access to the bandwidth to increase digital and online learning.
  • Accelerating progress at public, private and government-funded research centers or think tanks to support emerging science and technology.

Partnering to Solve Your Complexities

Astound Business meets you where you are and how you want to communicate. We're focused on taking out friction points and delivering solutions that scale.

Listening & Discovery

Understanding the key issues that need to be solved is first, we won’t sell you a fixed set of products. We listen and provide a diversity of connectivity solutions aligned to your specific business. Up front, our experts learn how your business works, to uncover how things could be done differently to find efficiencies and new profit centers. Getting the pulse of our clients, then right-fitting solutions and delivering on time is how we operate.

Solution Planning & Design

Meeting your needs where you are, technical experts provide unique solutions by creating a project plan that covers scope, timing, cost and execution. A dedicated account team aligns to design a custom network that delivers secure connectivity. From kick-off to site survey to construction and integration — your account manager and solutions engineering team provides comprehensive project management.


You’ll receive end-to-end build management from a dedicated account manager and an implementation driven by local experts. We are never bureaucratic. We respect your time, while handling all the details. We offer flexibility in infrastructure and expansion, where others can’t, through dark fiber delivery.

Monitoring & Maintenance

Focused on your connectivity, we care about our own network and are not overextended. Experienced staff are monitoring the infrastructure around the clock to deliver stability, while adhering to SLA metrics. We pick up the phone immediately. Astound’s organizational structure is set up for superior response & support.

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