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Behind the Mic: 2016 Resolutions

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Each New Year we are made to feel guilty because we adopt resolutions for ourselves that we rarely keep.  Supposedly, this tradition was started by the Babylonians when they promised to pay off their debts.  Well, now there is a tradition we have maintained – Always being in debt.

In medieval times, the New Year caused knights to vow to be chivalrous.  The last time I checked there are very few knights around these days and chivalry does not seem to be all that abundant either.  The overall concept, it appears, was for each of us to aspire to self-improvement.  I guess we could all do a little introspection, so I did.

Since I rarely ever even think about New Year’s resolutions, I sought some guidance to come up with some.  I found a list of the top ten so I analyzed them for myself:

  1. Spend More Time With Family and Friends  I like the concept, but I think my family and friends see just about enough of me.  I have no way of gauging this, but no one seems to be clamoring to spend more time with me.  I’m hoping it’s already just enough.
  2. Fit in Fitness  This sounds clever and healthy.  I know exercise is good for you, but who has the time.  Between working and “spending more time with family and friends”, fitness takes a backseat.
  3. Tame the Bulge  I know 66% of Americans are considered overweight or, even worse, obese.  I am not obese and I am usually in the majority (overweight).  No need to be “taming” anything yet.
  4. Quit Smoking  Never started, so I’ll make this resolution.  Accomplished!
  5. Enjoy Life More  Now here is a resolution I can wrap my head around.  I will do my very absolute best to fulfill this resolution, so if it looks like I am trying to finish this blog quickly, see #5.
  6. Quit Drinking  I do not drink very much as it is, but what about those people who are telling me to drink wine in moderation?  Do I just snub them and run the risk of spending less time with friends?  See #1 – I am confused.
  7. Get Out of Debt  This is a leftover from the Babylonians.  If we couldn’t fulfill this resolution thousands of years ago, what makes you think it will work now?
  8. Learn Something New  Learn a new language, a new hobby, more do-it-yourself stuff, to become more tech savvy?  Nah – See #5.
  9. Help Others  I like this one.  I will do my best.  Do you need me to do anything for you?
  10. Get Organized  At work, I am very organized; at home, not so much, but I married a great organizer.

I think I have figured out this resolution thing.  If you have a good job, a nice family, good friends, and a wonderful wife, there is only one resolution that really matters –Don’t change anything!


  1. This past Sunday was not the best time for the Eagles to play well, since the only thing that was accomplished was playing Seattle at Seattle next year and not playing Kansas City in London. Am I yawning?  I apologize.
  2. Am I the only one who thinks the decision by Penn State quarterback Christian Hackenberg to go into the NFL draft was a good one – FOR PENN STATE! In the games I have watched, dare I say, I was less than impressed.  I will be very interested in what the NFL thinks.
  3. Who are the geniuses who thought it would be a good idea to put the FBS college football semifinals on New Year’s Eve? Is this really what ESPN wanted for their huge investment – a ratings drop of 38.5% for game one?  The late game between Alabama and Michigan State dropped 36.8%.  Besides agreeing to have a ridiculous number of bowl games (mostly bad), this decision is even worse when you are trying to showcase the best of college football when most people just want to party.  I watched one and taped the other which kept me up until 2:30 AM.  I’m still cranky.
  4. I know you can’t wait for my NFL picks each week. I had 63% correct for the year.  And I picked 63% of the division winners, also, getting Denver, Cincinnati, New England, Carolina, and Minnesota correct.  I did not pick Houston, Seattle, or Washington to win their divisions.
  5. If you watch the FCS championship (that is the Lafayette and Lehigh group) on Saturday from Frisco, Texas on ESPN2, look for the familiar face of the field judge. He is our local football, basketball, and baseball official, Frank DAngelo.  He is very good in every sport.  Congratulations to him.

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