Behind the Mic

Looking Ahead

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I know this is the time of the year when most writers look back on the past year and reminisce on the highlights of the 2017. You will be able to find plenty of those articles and opinions in the next week or so.  I am not much for looking back.  I tend to think except for the nostalgia value, not much is gained by it.  Instead, I like to look ahead – you know, have a reason to look forward to the next day and the one after that.

So, with that in mind, and since this will be my last blog for the year (“Gary’s Guesses” will continue, however), I thought I would offer up some of the questions I look forward to the future answering in 2018. They are in no particular order:

  1. Can the Eagles actually get to and win the Super Bowl?
  2. Are there better NFL games to watch than the Steelers against the Patriots?
  3. With that in mind, when is a catch a catch in the NFL?
  4. Will there be any prominent males left in positions of power at the end of 2018 or will they all have harassed someone and left their positions?
  5. Since it is a foregone conclusion that Penn State and Whitehall football player Saquan Barkley will head for the NFL draft, will he sign with a team I can root for? (I certainly want to root for him).
  6. Now that it looks like all Philadelphia sports teams are on the rise, will the spring and summer (Phils), fall and winter (Flyers, 76’ers, Eagles) all create year-round excitement in the City of Brotherly Love?
  7. When will there be a positive story about the concussion problem in football – like advancements being made? (The Larry Johnson story in Sunday’s Morning Call was very difficult to read, but well worth reading).
  8. Will the District XI use the PPL Center again for their showcase high school winter sports (wrestling and basketball)?
  9. Jay Wright and his Villanova Wildcats are #1 in the nation in college basketball. Can they stay there and win their second national championship in three years?
  10. Will excitement return to College Hill in Lafayette football and basketball?

Well, that’s enough to chew on for a while, with new questions cropping up every week. Before I call it a year, I do want to thank all the people who made this past year so gratifying – the RCN-TV crew and management (they are an amazing group); athletic directors and coaches (their cooperation is essential); the players (your dedication and effort inspires me every game); the Lafayette Sports Information Department (you make me feel like part of the team); and, especially, you, the fans.  Nothing makes our day than when so many of you take the time to tell us how much you enjoy our product.

I hope we all can spend 2018 together once again!

 Gary’s Guesses: NFL Picks – (LAST WEEK – 13-3; OVERALL – 143-80 – 64%)

 Week Sixteen