Behind the Mic

Team of Destiny?

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Everyone in the sports world has heard the term “team of destiny”. It is often used when a team which is not supposed to win a championship, wins!  And… it is only used AFTER a team has accomplished what most prognosticators believed they could not accomplish.  It is always after the fact and leaves one little opportunity for debate.

So, looking at this past weekend of the NFL playoffs, we are left with three teams that look like they may be “teams of destiny”.

First, of the four teams still playing, there is one team that just doesn’t fit the definition – the New England Patriots. The Patriots have won 15 AFC titles in the last 17 seasons and they have appeared in the Super Bowl nine times, winning six.  Of the four games this past weekend, the only game that was over long before the end was New England’s drubbing of the Tennessee Titans 35-14.  The win means the Patriots are going to their seventh straight AFC championship game.  You obviously could conclude that the Patriots are the ultimate “team of destiny” or, if you are SUPPOSED to win it all every year, there is no surprise.

The other three teams, however, all won in dramatic fashion, so those who believe in such things, would argue it was meant to be, like fate, like destiny. The Steelers were favored to easily beat the Jaguars and, in fact, were talking more about New England before the game than they were talking about the Jaguars.  That was a big mistake – the “game of destiny” – Pittsburgh at New England will not happen.  Are the Jaguars a “team of destiny”?

The Eagles needed a tremendous defensive goal-line stand at the very end of their game with the Falcons going in for the winning touchdown. They held and won 15-10.  They will play for the NFC championship for the tenth time, but they haven’t won it since 2004 and last played in the conference championship in 2008.  Did the goal-line stand make them the “team of destiny”?

Or does the term belong to the unlikeliest winner this past weekend – the Minnesota Vikings? They won on the very last play on a desperation pass from an undrafted backup   quarterback, who was himself a backup to a backup.  The Saints secondary made a huge blunder and ended up sending the Vikings to their tenth NFC title game, but their first since 2009.  Destiny?

So, which of the three, based on this past weekend, is a “team of destiny”? Or does New England just simply win another Conference title and another Super Bowl?  Remember a “team of destiny” has to win their LAST game.


  1. The NFL is a tough business. After the Tennessee Titans lost badly to New England on Saturday, their head coach, Mike Mularkey, and the team agreed to part ways. Mularkey had gotten the Titans to their first postseason appearance since 2008 and they did face New England. I guess he was still expected to win that game, too.
  2. Even though the Conference championships will be played in Foxborough, Massachusetts and Philadelphia, it appears the weather will be much kinder than it was this past weekend. Jacksonville will face 48 degrees and cloudy, while the Vikings will see even warmer weather – 53 degrees and cloudy. In conclusion, the weather should not be a factor.
  3. Does it seem like replay is used almost every other play any more in football? Much of the responsibility has been taken away from the officials. If they make a call, they know the NFL can always “go back to New York”. Everybody is getting a little sick of “going back to New York”.
  4. The Eagles were the first #1 seeded team not to be favored in their first game of the postseason. The Falcons were favored by three. The Eagles are also not favored this week either – 3.5 point underdogs. Lane Johnson broke out the underdog mask this past week after the win over Atlanta. I assume he still has it in his possession.
  5. There were two shocking upsets this week in high school basketball. On Friday, the Freedom girls beat the defending state champions, Bethlehem Catholic – 66-59. On Saturday the Dieruff boys beat cross-town rival and previously undefeated Central Catholic 40-37. It must be getting close to the playoffs!!


Gary’s Guesses: NFL Picks – (LAST WEEK – 3-1; OVERALL – 169-94 – 64%)