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It’s “Miller’s Time”

September 16, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other agency, organization, employer or company.

When the “RCN SportsTalk” show launched over 15 years ago, one of my first ideas was to brainstorm a list of people I thought that were extremely popular sports celebrities from the Lehigh Valley – which, when the program started, was the only place that the program aired – and would make for a very special night of television viewing.

That initial list consisted of about 55 people.  Through the great work of the show’s producer (and perhaps an even greater amount of luck and good fortune), within a few years we had nearly all of those people from that list on our program.  

A few ‘stragglers’ who either had time conflicts with being at our studio on a Thursday night or guests who were only available at a time when our studio was occupied with other projects kept those individuals from being on SportsTalk.  However, by year six of the program, we had all but two of those people from the list on our show at least once.

One of them was Larry Miller – widely regarded as THE greatest basketball player to ever come out of the Valley.

(Incidentally/ironically, the only other person from that original list who has not been on the show and I began a very special friendship a number of years ago when I contacted him and he told me why he did no longer does any public appearances.  It is actually a wonderful story about why he has NOT been on the program – one that we still have fun with to this day. But that’s a story for another blog entry.  After all, it is “Larry Miller’s time,” which is the name of his new book that is being released this month.)

I have actually been close to having Larry on the show several times, although, up until recently, he has rejected every single media request offered to him over the last 40 years, from sports newspapers, radio stations and major television networks from all across the country.

A couple times over the last 15 years, we thought we had a commitment from him to appear, only to have him change his mind.  One such occurrence was actually through a mutual friend of Larry and myself – Joe Murphy, who was also an RCN employee who just passed away around this time a year ago.

Larry had also allegedly agreed to appear at special nights for his high school alma mater – Catasauqua High School – only to again, change his mind and be a no-show.  While he’s always been easy to find at local Catty establishments, he has shielded himself from the limelight – a trait that has stayed with him even when he was playing professional basketball in the late 1960s and early 70s.

But now with a new book out, he is looking to make the media rounds and discuss some very revealing experiences about his playing days, from the reason why you started playing basketball in this area and the pride he feels for this region, through his days at the University of North Carolina, the ABA and the highs and lows he’s gone through following his playing career. I literally have 15 years worth of questions that I have stored up for him and can’t wait to address as many of those topics as time will allow.

At least, I’m hoping to get a chance to ask those questions. Tune in this Thursday at 7 p.m. on RCN TV to find out if I finally got that chance … and if the “time” is finally right for Miller.

Reflections & Upcoming Shows

September 14, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other agency, organization, employer or company.

As we talked about last time here at “The Shop,” the long-running tradition of The Great Allentown Fair was canceled this year due to precautions caused by Covid-19.

RCN has sponsored a number of popular events at the Farmerama Theater, including two of our “RCN SportsTalk” shows each year for over a decade now.

Like we did this summer with the canceled basketball tournaments, we present some of the never-before-seen pictures that were taken at some of the previous “SportsTalk” shows at the Fair that were never published.

Enjoy the memories! I’m very much looking forward to creating new ones at the Fairgrounds in 2021.

band coach talking to band in stadium seats

Cheer team performing in front of the band

Cheer team posing with their coaches in stadium bleachers

band warming up their instruments

Band posing for a picture in stadium bleachers

parents and spectators in the stadium bleachers

band teacher talking to the band

band students waiting for their turn to perform in the stadium seats

cheer team performing

cheer team performing

band students waiting to perform while sitting in stadium seats

parents and spectators waiting to watch the band perform


If you missed last week’s edition of RCN Sports Talk (which is now available for free to RCN customers through RCN on demand), we had sports doctors and athletic trainers from school districts within the RCN viewing area discussing the pros and cons of playing sports during the pandemic. Additionally they had tips for student-athletes to stay in shape during lockdowns, ways parents can help their kids adjust physically and mentally to getting back into regular sports practices, truths and myths about COVID-19, ways to help kids returning to more normal socialization events and many more important facts and information during this critical time. It was a very topical conversation and already I’ve gotten quite a bit of positive feedback about the show and their opinions. Be sure to check it out!!!

And coming up…

… Our guests will include Frank Majikes, District 2 Chair for the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area and PIAA Board President, to talk about current scholastic sports issues and the return to play.

We’ll also have Larry Miller – widely regarded as the greatest basketball player to come out of the Lehigh Valley area – discussing his tremendous playing career and extremely private life over the last four decades.

Hall of Fame boxing announcer and ESPN broadcaster Al Bernstein will be on to talk about current sports topics, his legendary career and his new show that is debuting on RCN TV this fall.

Our upcoming guest list also includes the league presidents from the East Penn Conference and Colonial League to explain the decision to play high school sports this fall and talk about the ways school districts are trying to keep people safe at these events.

Plus, a few more very special guests, including local coaches and players, discuss their return to participation in full-time athletics during the Coronavirus pandemic. Keep checking back to “The Sports Talk Shop” for more details.


September 2, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

 For over a hundred years some of the greatest video treasures of all time have been produced. Some have been lost in the sands of time and others, soon to be rediscovered, will become fan favorites for a whole new generation. 

 Each week we will feature just one of the many hidden gems that you can see on RCN TV with insights and commentaries on classic television shows and legendary cinematic performances. 

The 1938 film, Algiers, has the double distinction of not only being a successful movie upon its release but also in spawning several other projects and catchphrases that have survived to this day.


The film grossed over $150,000, which was not only a high mark for the time period, but also more than doubled its net gain after total production costs.

Charles Boyer played the lead, Pepe Le Moko, which was also the title name of the original novel and a French-produced film that was made prior to Algiers.

According to, Boyer was not fond of this movie for two big reasons.

First of all, both producer Walter Wanger and director John Cromwell made a conscious decision in trying to mirror the French film to their English-speaking version, complete with using the same music score and set designs.

Furthermore, they insisted that Boyer copy the style of Jean Gabin, the original actor who portrayed the lead in the initial French version, and refused to let Boyer stray far from the original intention for his character.

Boyer was critical of the lack of creativity during the production process but grew to hate this role even more as he became known for the line that would follow him for the rest of his career: “Come with me to zee Casbah.”

As the popularity for that line grew, Boyer felt demeaned as an actor as the line was repetitively and increasingly lampooned in the years that followed.

According to several sources, Boyer’s ‘Pepe Le Moko’ character led to the creation of the popular Looney Tunes’ star, Pepe Le Pew, modeled after Charles’ delivery.  Looney Tunes specifically parodied Algiers in an episode entitled, “The Cat’s Bah,” 15 years after the film’s release.

Ironically, much like “Play it again, Sam,” that is still linked with Humphrey Bogart to this day, Boyer didn’t actually say the “Casbah” line himself.

The movie also marked the first major role for Hedy Lamarr, who embarked on a 28-year movie career, starring in 30 films.

According to “Film History: An International Journal” by David Pierce, the screenwriters of Casablanca cited Algiers as the inspiration for their film with the original intention of starring Lamarr in the now legendary role of Ilsa Lund. In 1942 Lamarr was contracted to MGM, who would not release her from her contract, so Ingrid Bergman ended up getting the female lead and Casablanca went on to make cinematic history.

Do you think Hedy Lamarr could have done a better job than Bergman as Ilsa Lund?  Do you think Boyer’s performance really sparked the inspiration for Pepe Le Pew?  You can speculate for yourself after watching Algiers this Monday, September 7, at 2:30 p.m. on RCN TV.

To view the complete rundown of classic programming on RCN TV, check out the weekly listings here on our website. 




The Fair is a fair…

August 31, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other agency, organization, employer or company.

This week is, without a doubt, one of the most hectic weeks of the year for me…


For over a hundred years The Great Allentown Fair usually starts at some point this week and runs through Labor Day and into early next week.

I usually host/emcee a number of events during the week from the Fair’s Farmerama Theater that RCN has proudly sponsored for decades.  In addition, I produce at least two of our “RCN SportsTalk” programs from the Fairgrounds, featuring special guests, cheerleaders, marching band and sometimes dog trainers, lumberjacks, high-wire acts, Fair queens and a whole host of other colorful personalities over the years that have been a part of our shows.

Trying to get all of these people  — successfully — onto the fairgrounds, accounting for ridiculously limited parking spaces, accounting for people losing their credentials, security guards claiming they weren’t told to allow guests in to be on a show that day and a whole host of other potential things that could go wrong, has always made this week very… interesting, to say the least, each and every year.

My family usually sees very little of me during this week – the most they’ll see of me is when they stop by and watch some of the shows that I am hosting at the Farmerama.

It is also not a very easy week as, on top of putting these shows together, it also happens to be the opening for the high school football season, which is perhaps the most watched entity for our viewers during the entire year.

I’m usually in contact this week with coaches, athletic directors, administrators and other personnel, scrambling to put all the football teams’ information together, like rosters, correct uniform numbers – with the emphasis on “correct” – and much more information needed to maintain our usual high quality for broadcasts.  Another whole host of things that usually goes wrong during this week, does, and it is without a doubt, the most hectic week trying to prepare for that weekend’s football games … more than any other regular season game.

And both events happen in the exact…same…week!

But not in 2020. 

It’s safe to say that I won’t be simply putting my feet up on my desk this year and taking it easy this week, as we are putting together a busy and exciting month coming up for the “RCN SportsTalk” programs in September, as scholastic sports go through an interesting transition from lockdown to a staggered return over the next few weeks.

I attended the Great Allentown Fair as a kid and it holds a very special place in my heart.  I enjoy the experience tremendously each year and, although the entire week of activities has been canceled this year due to the pandemic, I’m very much looking forward to the challenges that will await me for 2021.

That being said, I have to be completely honest with you and say that my blood pressure will probably be a little lower this Labor Day weekend, and the next seven days will not be nearly as stressful and as frantic for me as they usually are. But again, I sincerely hope to be working just as frantically 12 months from now when both the Fair and the traditional start of high school football season return to their normal time slots as well next year.

In celebration of the Great Allentown Fair – a tradition over 160 years in the making – check back to “The Shop” next week for a special surprise!

PROGRAMMING NOTE: With high school sports now officially back on for all sports in the Lehigh Valley, we will have a timely look at some of the fall sports teams as they prepare for their 2020 campaigns.  Our guests will include the defending District 11 champions from girls field hockey and the girls and boys cross-country squads on this Thursday’s show.

Tune in to hear more about the upcoming season!



August 26, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other agency, organization, employer or company.

For over a hundred years some of the greatest video treasures of all time have been produced. Some have been lost in the sands of time and others, soon to be rediscovered, will become fan favorites for a whole new generation.  Each week we will feature just one of the many hidden gems that you can see on RCN TV with insights and commentaries on classic television shows and legendary cinematic performances.

One of the great things about the internet is that young people can rediscover things from previous eras and stumble across genres they might never get to experience otherwise.  Glenn Miller, Henry James, Count Basie and other stars of old standards from the big band era are now readily available to audiences on XM/Sirius Radio’s Junction; and other outlets as more and more young people are finding these golden classics for the first time.

Heck, there was even a report of a local football team using a polka song as its theme music last fall.

But no look into the music of the 1930s and & 40s would be complete without a serious discussion about Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey. Their accomplishments, creations and personal feud are all prominently featured in the 1946 film, “The Fabulous Dorseys.”  Part documentary, part fiction and a surprising number of well-performed comedic lines make up this very entertaining film about two of the swing time era’s greatest legends.

The film spans the time from the boys’s upbringing in a small Pennsylvania town to their dominance around the world with their various musical masterpieces.

Jimmy Dorsey, primarily known for his work on the clarinet, was one of the major songwriters and big band leaders in the 1920s through the ‘40s. Probably his best remembered songs were “Pennies from Heaven” with fellow legends Bing Crosby and Louis Armstrong and performing the original 1930 recording of “Georgia on My Mind”; Trombonist Tommy, known as the “Sentimental Gentleman of Swing”, is best remembered for tunes like “Song of India”, “Opus One”, “The Sunnyside of the Street”; and “I’ll Never Smile Again.”

And this film had no shortage of successful musical performances, complete with some of the best old standards like “Getting Sentimental Over You,” and the aforementioned “I’ll Never Smile Again”.  The film also had smaller roles and cameos from other stars from the Big Band Era, including Paul Whitman, Bob Eberly, Helen O’Connell and famed pianist Art Tatum.

Sadly, nearly all of these former music greats have long since been forgotten. But through this film, their names live on.  Tragically, both brothers died before their 57th birthdays within 10 years of the release of this movie.

The film was directed by Alfred E. Green (The Jackie Robinson Story  & The Jolson Story) who successfully directed many performers-turned-actors playing themselves in films and, by this time, was well-known for bringing out an entertainer’s personality traits while not overplaying the star’s acting abilities and keeping their comedic lines within the context of the film.

You don’t have to be fans of old standards to enjoy this well-produced partial biopic that makes for a very entertaining story even without any previous knowledge of the Dorseys’ great history.

Tune in and dance along to this great look at the Big Band Era. “The Fabulous Dorseys” next airs on Tuesday, September 1 st , at 9 a.m. on RCN TV.

To view the complete rundown of classic programming on RCN TV, check out the weekly listings here on our website.


August 19, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other agency, organization, employer or company. 

For over a hundred years some of the greatest video treasures of all time have been produced. Some have been lost in the sands of time and others, soon to be rediscovered, will become fan favorites for a whole new generation.

Each week we will feature just one of the many hidden gems that you can see on RCN TV with insights and commentaries on classic television shows and legendary cinematic performances. 

One of the great treasures of the Golden Era of Television was its theme songs. In the 1950s, four or five notes were all you needed to hear to know exactly what was coming on.  While many themes may still ring a bell today, very few are as recognizable nearly 70 years after it debuted, than the opening for “Dragnet.”

It was the brainchild of Jack Webb, who was extremely underrated for his creativity for the show when television was still in its infancy.

Webb originated the rapid-fire paces, with terse dialogue exchanges, ultra-fast cuts and extreme close-ups to enhance actors’ reactions and emotions.

Webb was also the featured star for its entire run through the 1950s and 60s, playing the role of Joe Friday. He was also responsible for later spinning off several other shows that had successful runs of their own, including “Adam-12” and “Emergency.”

After its opening introduction revealing the backstory, each episode begins with Friday and his partner investigating crimes, almost in a documentary-style approach and usually resulting in the uncovering of the criminals. A quick epilogue gives the results of what happened to the perpetrators and sometimes the victims after the crime was solved. Nearly every show was based on real life cases but, as the narrator includes in every show, “the names were changed to protect the innocent.”

The show’s introduction and catch phrases used throughout the program connected instantly with viewers, and was often copied – both to reconstruct serious police dramas for other shows as well as for parodies (one of the most famous was done on the “Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” featuring Webb himself.)

“Dragnet” also has its place in television history as it is one of a very small handful of shows to be cancelled by NBC, only to be brought back seven years later by the very same network.  Aside from being broadcast in color, the initial show’s return was similar to the ‘50s style in terms of its criminal case load.

However, with the changing landscape of the late sixties, the show quickly evolved into new storylines, many embracing the current culture, with more colorful characters (Joe Friday interrogating hippies was always a hoot) and attempted to tackle topical issues of the times.  The newer edition of the show also softened some of the original’s techniques but still featured faster-paced dialogue exchanges and occasionally closer than normal close-ups.

Over the years, Sargent Friday had several sidekicks accompanying him on his 30-minute per week police adventures, but one of the most popular was Harry Morgan, who later became Colonel Potter on another legendary TV hit, M*A*S*H.

There’s many more fascinating details about this radio and television staple of the 1950s and ‘60s – which we will uncover in future blog entries.  In the meantime, you can see “Dragnet” for yourself every Wednesday at 2 p.m. on RCN TV.

To view the complete rundown of classic programming on RCN TV, check out the weekly listings here on our website. 


“Anatomy Of A Decision”

August 17, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other other agency, organization, employer or company.

Anatomy of a Murder” is one of my favorite films from the 1950s and is a harrowing look at some of the awful decisions human beings can possibly make. But this isn’t the “Classic Video Showplace” blog – we’re here to talk about sports.

So instead, I would like to begin the ugly post-mortem on what has been a five-month long journey by the elite decision-makers in charge of high school sports that has led us to the ambiguous state of affairs that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is in right now.

I may be wrong, but when I am entrusted with making a serious decision, my thought process involves the following prerequisites:

  • Do your research
  • Communicate with everyone involved
  • Ask questions and interview knowledgeable people
  • Critically review all the facts
  • Make a clear and decisive ruling to EVERYONE while thoroughly explaining my position.

I know not everyone might agree with this set of procedures nor have the time or energy/resources to participate in all of these steps for every serious decision one makes in life.

But the decision on what to do with scholastic sports in Pennsylvania for this fall – something that has been looming since mid-March – has turned into a complete farce among some of our most trusted individuals among various aspects of the educational and political systems.

Let’s recap some of the ‘highlights”…

  • A color-coded system was put in place to give guidance to citizens in Pennsylvania in regards to multiple ways of life for its citizens – including instructions on how and when to participate in youth sports.
  • Once PA went “in the green,” local high school teams, along with youth organizations, some tournament coordinators and high school coaches – some acting independently from their local school districts – start playing games, conducting drills and practices while trying to follow CDC protocols.
  • Then, an ambiguous statement was made by the governor’s office stating that additional guidance (and more colors) would be forthcoming to further help give guidance in the above areas (no such color “scheme” has been announced to date).
  • In mid-July the PIAA announced that (unless the governor objects) high school sports would be going forward as scheduled, with the caveat that individual school boards and districts outline the correct procedures. This would be followed by local school administrators asking the PIAA and Pennsylvania Department of Education help to develop specific protocols to follow – a plea that, according to some local administrators, has gone unanswered.
  • In early August, leagues around the state voted on how and when they’ll start their fall sports seasons–with different conferences all selecting different start times for their fall sports, leaving teams’ “Opening Day” ranging anywhere from August 24th to October 2nd.
  • Next, individual school districts vote on whether they agree with what their league has approved and, in a few cases, schools vote to suspend their fall sports entirely.
  • On August 4th, the governor’s office announces that they will be giving protocols for schools to use for fall sports later that day–according to several journalists on the scene in Harrisburg, those guidelines never materialized that day.
  • On August 6th, when responding to a question on whether spectators will be allowed to attend scholastic sports in the fall, Dr. Rachel Levine defers the question to Governor Tom Wolf, who responds by saying he strongly recommends continuing a ban on all youth sports.

Wait, what???

On the one hand, there were some municipalities that have continued to restrict kids from playgrounds and removed hoops from basketball courts.

But many more organizations were stunned when hearing that a recommended “ban” on sports was in place, one that many schools and organizations have very publicly and seemingly were ignoring, has set off a firestorm of controversy over the state.

Within 24 hours officials in the city of Allentown frantically went around re-closing parks, forbidding use of athletic fields and announcing that all future permits are cancelled indefinitely.  Reports of similar activity happening in SOME other regions around Pennsylvania ensued.

Clearly, youth sports have been going on for the last several months with various baseball and softball tournaments held across the Commonwealth and in neighboring states–a few finding negative publicity when pictures were posted with people not adhering to CDC protocols. Many little league programs started in late June and ran through a modified but completed schedule. If you drive by many high schools you can clearly see teams running drills on the school grounds.  On our “RCN SportsTalk” show the last several weeks, local coaches have openly talked on-air about how they have been conducting practices.  There was even a highly publicized AAU basketball tournament that was held in the western part of the state that we mentioned a few weeks ago here at “The SportsTalk Shop.”

All the while there apparently was a formal “ban” that was in place that many local directors say they weren’t aware of. (By the way, the Lehigh Valley High School Baseball Tournament that was playing last week, featuring 32 HS teams, continued without pause until its natural completion with its championship this past Monday.)

There was certainly a failure to communicate here somewhere.

(In defense of the governor’s office, his website indicates that this policy was issued on June 10th. The website also says policy was updated on August 6th – the same day as Wolf’s response to the question about fans – but does not specify what exactly was updated on 8/6/20).

Politically, Wolf made a brilliantly shrewd move by taking himself off the hook (at least officially) by quietly slipping in his “ban” in responding to another question.

When it looked like the PIAA was setting Wolf up to be the fall guy, their plan backfired on them as the final decision on when/if kids can play continues to get shuffled around between different administrators across Pennsylvania for a few more weeks.

Meanwhile, student-athletes that already began officially preparing for their fall season now have to wait to hear if their season was really supposed to start in the first place.

And while amateur sports are stopped, money-making organizations like the NFL, MLB and major college teams play on, despite continuing reports of positive Coronavirus test results for athletes, coaches and staff.

Let me be clear in my analysis of this catastrophe. I am not giving my opinion on whether I think fall sports should be played, cancelled or whether a staggered or delayed start to the fall season should occur.  We are certainly in uncharted waters and there are serious ramifications in whatever is decided.

I’m not trying to target any one particular group, nor am I picking sides politically in this escalating, emotional battle that is taking place across Pennsylvania over the rights of kids’ ability to play sports.  I’ve talked to several local athletic directors and assistant principals and they clearly are not the ones at fault here.  Every single one that I have talked with has been working very hard trying for months trying to follow the rules they receive from above — although those instructions seem to shift radically on an almost weekly and sometimes daily basis.

What I AM singling out here is a clear lack of communication and the utter breakdown of this process to properly prepare student-athletes to be ready – one way or the other – on what to expect for their fall seasons.


The leaders of the major groups involved who are now posturing their stances in the media should have all set down long before we got ourselves to the first official day of fall practices – which has now since passed.


Instead, it’s become a grand political game of “pass the buck” while our young people suffer through an extremely emotional time period.  And after an extremely tough spring and summer of indecision, one would think that some sort of plan would have been in place already by the fall that would have incorporated all the necessary people involved.


The result?


Reports are emerging of the anxiety kids are experiencing–not by whether they are going to play or not but by the indecision that is taking place.


In an August 7th article on, several parents expressed concern over the extreme stress and mental anguish their kids are going through while caught in limbo as to their immediate athletic futures.


The latest development which took place last Friday was the PIAA putting the fall sports schedule on hold for two MORE weeks while they get further direction from the governor’s office as they begin to work together for “clarity” on how everyone should proceed…something that probably could have taken place as much as three to four months ago.  Once again, our young people suffer…due to politics.


Whatever the final decision will eventually be on when and if fall sports occur in 2020, we have enough evidence to close the book on the anatomy of their decision making process and can properly evaluate how the uppermost people in charge of our youth handled preparing for the fall season.







CLASSIC VIDEO SHOWPLACE: “The Jackie Robinson Story”

August 10, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other agency, organization, employer or company.

For over a hundred years some of the greatest video treasures of all time have been produced. Some have been lost in the sands of time and others, soon to be rediscovered, will become fan favorites for a whole new generation.

 Each week we will feature just one of the many hidden gems that you can see on RCN TV with insights and commentaries on classic television shows and legendary cinematic performances. 

For as great a baseball player and tremendous all-around athlete as he was, Jackie Robinson more than held his own on the silver screen portraying himself in the classic film, “The Jackie Robinson Story

Robinson became the first African-American to break the color barrier by playing professional baseball as a second baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.

The movie, filmed and released during the peak of his baseball career in 1950, outlined his life and focused on his struggles against racial prejudices and social injustices he faced to first play…and then excel…as a major league baseball player.

The racism Robinson endured started well before his professional playing days.  After graduating from college he was denied an opportunity to be a baseball coach, before he was even offered his first pro baseball contract. The film also connects with his education, home life and his tour of duty fighting for the United States Army in World War II.

Some of the best moments of this film are the inspirational messages he receives throughout his life, from various sources and from people of different races and economic levels.  One of the best speeches comes from Robinson himself when he delivers a message to the House of Representatives reflecting on his struggles for equality.  He also humbly addresses the inequalities of baseball, eloquently telling of its incredible prejudices and of the malicious acts he had to endure – even initially from within his own clubhouse.

The courage and class that Jackie shows throughout all these ordeals made the emotional impact of the scenes even more real and palatable for viewers to get a sense of what he went through.  The impact of these scenes hits home even more when you realize that it was Robinson himself reliving (and acting through) these real life events.

In 2006, the film was recognized by the American Film Institute’s top 100 films in the “100 Cheers” category.

“The Jackie Robinson Story” also features equally emotional and courageous scenes from Ruby Dee, playing the role of Jackie’s wife, Rae, along with stellar performances by Louise Beavers (portraying Jackie’s mother) and veteran character actor Minor Watson, who signed Robinson to his professional baseball contract.

Alfred E. Green, who was no stranger to great biopic films, also did a credible job mixing in realistic baseball scenes while also framing and highlighting the key personal moments and private conversations in the movie that were so integral in the retelling of Jackie’s journey.

Years later, the movie “42” took a more modern view of Robinson’s tremendous accomplishments and epic struggles.  Although that, too, is a great film, both baseball supporters and non-athletic fans alike really must see the original version of Robinson’s life story, featuring the man who transcended sports in multiple ways, complete with his brilliant acting performance in his own film. 

You can see “The Jackie Robinson Story” this Thursday, August 13, at 9 am on RCN-TV.

To view the complete rundown of classic programming on RCN TV, check out the weekly listings here on our website.







A Classic Concert in the Park by Catherine Neelon

August 3, 2020 By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

Enjoy this guest blog from Catherine Neelon of the RCN TV production team. Chris Michael will be back next week. 

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other agency, organization, employer or company. 

September 17, 1908. West Park. Allentown, PA.

It must have been a glorious late-summer evening.

Though the park’s founder, General Harry C. Trexler, avoided the limelight and did not attend this opening night, plenty of eager music-loving residents from all across the city crowded around the newly minted bandshell to see the Allentown Band in concert. In the weeks and years that followed, many of the other Allentown-area community bands would also come to West Park to perform for the public in the warm summer air.

♪♫   ♪♫   ♪♫            ♪♫   ♪♫   ♪♫            ♪♫   ♪♫   ♪♫

For several years, starting in the mid-to-late 1990s, RCN (and earlier incarnations of its TV studio) worked with the City of Allentown and the members of American Federation of Musicians Local 45 to share many of these summertime concerts with its subscribers – many of whom might not otherwise get to experience them. In this way, the program “Concert in the Park” was born.

I remember working as part of the TV crew on our “Concert in the Park” days – arriving hours ahead of time to set up cameras and lights and microphones and cables under the leafy canopy provided by West Park’s many majestic trees. I can’t recall a time that we weren’t the first ones to arrive for the concert – but, guaranteed, as the shadows grew and the park lights started to glow, the people would start to trickle in. Some took advantage of the wooden benches right up front, while others brought their fold-up chairs and settled further back from the stage. Though the faces would change, and the crowd size might vary from night to night, there was always great music and it always had a grateful audience.

♪♫   ♪♫   ♪♫            ♪♫   ♪♫   ♪♫            ♪♫   ♪♫   ♪♫

Then came 2020 and the threat of COVID-19.

All of the anticipation, all of the preparation was no proof against the pandemic, and Allentown’s summer concert season at West Park had to be cancelled.

However, the members of AFM Local 45, who make up the rosters of the local community bands, still wanted to share their music with the Lehigh Valley – and to remind us all that their bands are still here and will play again once this crisis has passed. To this end, representatives contacted RCN-TV to see if we would be interested in re-televising some of our “Concert in the Park” programs from the past.

And in this way, “Classic Concert in the Park” was born. Starting in the beginning of August, over the course of several weeks, RCN-TV will be spotlighting a specially selected performance by each of six community bands.

  • Tuesday, August 4 (repeat Sat., Aug. 8) – Pioneer Band of Allentown concert from July 3, 2007, with former conductor Jay Durner.
  • Tuesday, August 11 (repeat Sat., Aug. 15) – Macungie Band concert from August 7, 2010, with conductor Mike Moran. (This concert was actually held at Macungie Memorial Park for Das Awkscht Fescht.)
  • Tuesday, August 18 (repeat Sat., Aug. 22) – Marine Band of Allentown concert from June 9, 2004 with the late Ray Becker as conductor.
  • Tuesday, September 8 (repeat Wed., Sept. 9) – Royalaires concert from July 19, 2003 with the late Richard Hinkle (my HS band director!) conducting.
  • And just shy of West Park’s 112th anniversary, on Tuesday, September 15 (repeat Wed., 16) – Allentown Band concert from July 2, 2010 with long-time conductor Ron Demkee.

All concert airings begin 7:00pm on RCN-TV. Enjoy and stay safe!



HS Sports: Early August Update

By Chris Michael Leave a Comment

The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of RCN or any other agency, organization, employer or company

I have the honor of interviewing two special guests for this week’s RCN Sports Talk show: PIAA Board of Directors Vice-President/District XI Chair Bob Hartman and District XI Treasure/Catasauqua HS Athletic Director Tom Moll.

As we have been doing the last few months here at “The Shop” and on our television show, we’ve been keeping you apprised of the latest news and rumors regarding scholastic sports in our coverage area. These two gentlemen agreed to be on the program to discuss the current status of high school sports and also address the many rumors that are flying around about the upcoming football season and all of the fall sports issues.

Here are the topics of discussion:

  • Opinions on the latest directives from the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the PIAA
  • Reactions from coaches and students on the COVID-19 protocols in place
  • Alternate possibilities for fall sports being scheduled if the number of coronavirus cases spike or additional directives come from the state or federal government
  • Deadlines for scheduling for football and all other fall sports
  • Addressing the mental impact on students and allowing for a “transition period” to get kids back in playing shape
  • Financial ramifications of the spring sports shutdown and potential impact for any interruptions of the fall sports playoff season
  • Rumors of switching sports to different seasons (i.e., baseball to the fall, football to the spring) and other “hot takes”

Two additional teases for this particular program – Bob and Tom tackle an issue that I have not seen nor heard of until last Friday when Norristown High School made headlines. That is addressing the issue of an individual school district (or a specific community or local government) taking exception to the directives implemented by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the PIAA…how would that affect a team’s potential ability to play?

Another hotly contested debate: will some sports like golf and tennis be able to start on time or will those sports be included with soccer, field hockey and football if the latter sports are forced to postpone or cancel their seasons?

Tune in to find out!

My thanks to both of these administrators for their time and insights and, if you want to hear their responses to these issues and the latest news regarding the possibilities of fall high school sports action, make sure you tune in to the “RCN Sports Talk” show on RCN TV and catch it through RCN “On Demand.”

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