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Behind the Mic: MLB Playoffs

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The American League
The Rangers had the best record (95-67) in the American League.  Amazingly, they won 36 one-run games.  And, more amazingly, their bullpen has not been all that good, ranked 14th in the league.  That does not bode well for them in the playoffs.

The Indians pitching staff WAS strong, but no longer.  Their three top starters are probably out of the postseason, so they will need plenty of players to step up.  If their starters can get the job done until the Indians get to the bullpen, they have a chance.

The Red Sox could make some noise if, and it’s a big IF, David Price looks like the David Price of last year and not this year.  Their ace is Rick Porcello and he should get his job done, which is win when he pitches.  If he wins and Price is the old Price, the Red Sox will be formidable in the playoffs.

The Blue Jays did not play well at all down the stretch going 26-26 since early August.  Their hitters didn’t hit and their bullpen was dismal.  Based on recent performances, they should not make it to the World Series.

No team hits the ball as far as the Orioles (253 home runs –the best in the majors).  Six players hit 20 or more and Mark Trumbo hit 47.  However, the playoffs are almost always about pitching, but maybe the Orioles can change that perception.

As you can see, choosing a pennant winner in the AL is difficult   I am picking the Red Sox and the onus for that prediction lies on David Price.

The National League
The Cubs last won the World Series in 1908 and, in case you don’t want to tax your math skills, that’s 108 years ago. They last played in the World Series in 1945.  They then went 39 years without getting into the playoffs.  The Cubs were one victory away from the World Series in 1984 and again in 2003.  Last year, they made it to the National League Championship Series.  The Cubs have the best record in baseball, but it’s the playoffs – will that matter?  Let’s look at their biggest competition.

The Nationals won 94 games and won the NL East easily.  But they have problems going into the postseason.  Their catcher is out, Daniel Murphy hasn’t played for two weeks, Bryce Harper has a sore thumb, and Stephen Strasburg hasn’t pitched since the first week of September.  These players are the heart of this team.

The Dodgers really struggle against left-handed pitching and do not seem strong enough to make the NLCS.  The Mets are just too banged up with six players out due to injuries. And did you know that only the Phillies posted a worse second half record than the Giants?

The Cubs should be in the National League pennant.

The Cubs will beat the Red Sox in six games and the 108-year drought will come to a close!!


  1. Ryan Howard played his last game as a Phillie on Sunday and the Philadelphia crowd showed their appreciation. He made his Philadelphia debut on September 1, 2004, at the age of 24, and played 13 years with the Phils.  He hit 382 home runs; his last, a two-run shot on Saturday.  His MVP year, Howard hit 58 home runs and batted .313, with 149 RBIs.  Many think he will become an AL designated hitter.
  2. The #3 Louisville at #5 Clemson game came down to the wire with an interesting 4th and 12 play. If you want to watch an analysis of that play, check this out:

  1. Speaking of officials’ calls, we had an interesting one on Friday at the Emmaus-Freedom game. Emmaus “pooched” a kickoff near the end of a tight game and their own player caught the ball in mid-air.  The officials seemed very confused with what to call.  The rule says the ball must touch the ground or a receiving player before the kicking team can touch the ball.  Interference was finally the call and was correct, but it seemed that it was not enforced properly.  Emmaus should have been penalized 15 yards and Freedom taking the ball after the penalty.  Instead, there was a penalty and “rekick”.
  2. The Ryder Cup is the best of television golf. Instead of your attention being on a few leaders, every match and every player is significant.  Sunday’s crowd and the drama of watching some great matches made it scintillating television.  For that given Sunday, I chose the golf over the NFL.
  3. On Friday, October 7, the RCN-TV crew will have the Parkland – Bethlehem Catholic game LIVE at 7:00 PM followed by a Freedom facing Whitehall. That game is on at 10:00 PM.  The crew will have a Saturday to themselves with Lafayette traveling to the Bronx to take on Fordham.  You can watch on at 1:00 PM.

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