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Behind the Mic: Sibling Rivalry

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As I write this, Serena and Venus Williams are next scheduled to play one another in the fourth round at Wimbledon.  It will be the twenty-sixth time that the two sisters have met with Serena leading 14-11.  Venus is 34 and Serena is 33 years old.  It must be especially difficult for Serena to play against her older sister these days knowing that physically, Venus’ career is winding down with fewer Grand Slam title opportunities.

I racked my brain to think of other sibling rivalries or, to be honest, I just Googled “sibling rivalries in professional sports”.  There were some on the list that stretched the concept of “rivalry” because they did not really compete against one another. In the interest of competition, I have chosen the sibling winners, if there is one:

Ozzie and Jose Canseco (baseball)Ozzie only played 24 games in the major leagues. Jose used steroids and squealed on his fellow players.  But Ozzie was so bad, Jose still wins.

Jason and Jeremy Giambi (baseball)Jeremy’s career was one of obscurity and Jason’s was tainted by steroids.  No winner here, but Jose Canseco wins the steroid battle over Jason Giambi.

Tiki and Ronde Barber (NFL)Tiki has records and Ronde has a Super Bowl win and records.  Ronde wins in a squeaker.

Rob and Rex Ryan (NFL) – I don’t like either one.  I refuse to call a winner here.

Leon and Michael Spinks (boxing) – They never fought each other; Michael lost only one fight, but Leon beat Muhammad Ali!  I call this one a draw and demand a rematch.

Eli and Peyton Manning (NFL) – Both have a Super Bowl win.  They seem to really like each other and root for one another all the time.  No real rivalry so no winner!

Lest you think I do not have the credentials to judge here, I will tell you that sibling rivalry was rampant in my house. I grew up with an older brother (six years older) and two younger sisters (one year younger and six years younger).  I don’t think my older brother cared for me that much.  He used to throw darts at my leg and was the happiest when he drew blood.  We settled disputes by putting on boxing gloves and fighting and do I have to remind you that he was six years older (how’s that for parenting?).  I never won.

Since I was always losing to my older brother, I, obviously by default, tormented my sisters.  I used to do whatever I could to upset the oldest one – you know, fake bugs in her hair, or squealing on her so she would be grounded (she spent more time confined to our yard than most of our trees).  I finally stopped when she hit me in the head with a roller skate.

My brother and I told my youngest sister she was adopted and promoted that lie for about seven years.  I’m sure we ruined her self-esteem for years to come.

You see, sibling rivalries are not supposed to be fun; they are not supposed to include wishing your brother or sister well; they are supposed to be highly competitive in all aspects of life.

UNTIL you grow up!


    1. In case you missed it, you can sleep better now knowing that P. Diddy ( aka “Puffy”, “Diddy”, “Sean Combs”) had his felony charges dropped this past week after his altercation with his son’s strength coach at UCLA. His son was chastised for missing a workout to attend the NBA All-Star game.  “Puff” was just being today’s parent.
    2. ESPN says Pete Rose bet on Cincinnati Reds games as a player, not just as a manager. This information was allegedly found in a notebook that has been sealed for the past 26 years.  This may also seal Rose’s fate and keep him out of the Hall of Fame.
    3. Sports Illustrated has chosen its Top 50 Fittest athletes in the world – 5. Dez Bryant; 4. Floyd Mayweather; 3. Usain Bolt; 2. Cristiano Ronaldo; 1. LeBron James.

If you want to see all fifty, go to:

    1. The Atlantic League, minor league baseball, adopted some rule changes this past week to speed up the game – Pitchers must deliver a pitch within 12 seconds with no one on base and batters must keep one foot in batter’s box; 2. Defensive teams get three 45-second timeouts per nine innings; 3. Relief pitchers get six warm-up pitches and must complete them in one minute; 4. Intentional walks require no pitches be thrown; 5. The rulebook strike zone will be enforced.  It’s already working – now, on to the Major Leagues!
    2. I attended George Pektor’s basketball camp this week to talk to the players right before their lunch break. George is the 16-year-old I wrote about a few weeks ago who put together a camp for inner city kids who could not afford to attend on their own.  I was supposed to give an inspirational talk.  The tables were reversed; George, the coaches, and the kids inspired me!  Congratulations to all.