The SportsTalk Shop: District XI Basketball Playoff Preview
Last week, we discussed a number of teams in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference or Colonial League post-season races—nearly all of them will look to be major players in the District XI tournament, which starts this week. Today here at “The Shop,” we take a look at a few more teams that begin their district championship…
Read MoreBehind the Mic: Super Debate
The Super Bowl was played this past Sunday. Denver won. Don’t stop reading yet – I know the WHOLE WORLD knows the Super Bowl was played this past Sunday and who won the game. But it is a good starting point for this blog. Amidst all the hoopla, commercials, the halftime show, the parties and the…
Read MoreThe SportsTalk Shop: League Basketball Playoffs
The high school basketball playoffs have arrived in the Lehigh Valley region. Thanks to the expanded playoff format (of which there’s been much debate amongst local sports fans–discussed at length on ‘RCN SportsTalk’), the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference and the Colonial League post-season actually got underway last weekend, with the league semifinals to be played on…
Read MoreThe SportsTalk Shop: District Wrestling Preview
One of the biggest Lehigh Valley local sports winter events is happening this Saturday—the District XI AAA Team Wrestling Final & Ultimate Qualifier (live, 4:30pm on RCN-TV). Local wrestling gurus Gene Waas and Jack Logic were on our “SportsTalk” show to discuss that event, as well as give their opinions on many local wrestling issues….
Read MoreBehind the Mic: Who Wins 50?
So the two #1 seeds in their respective conferences will ACTUALLY meet in the 50th Super Bowl championship. One team (Carolina) scored more points than any other this year and the other (Denver) got up the least amount of yardage. As I write this, Carolina is favored by 4.5 points. I will attempt to analyze…
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