Before we take a look at recent highlights of basketball playoff games on ATVN, here’s this winter’s list of All-EPC members for local student-athletes for wrestling…
1st Team
Brayden Wenrich, Northampton
Willmont Kai, Whitehall
Nicholas Salamone, Easton
Keanu Dillard, Becahi
Trey Wagner, Northampton
Tahir Parkins, Nazareth
Marco Frinzi, Becahi
Cade Campbell, Nazareth
Charlie Scanlon, Becahi
Shane McFillin, Becahi
Brayden Zuercher, Nazareth
Kurtis Crossman, Easton
Gavin Grell, Northampton
2nd Team
Nico Emili, Becahi
Emilio Albanese, Emmaus
Reef Dillard, Becahi
Gabriel Ballard, Northampton
Jack Campbell, Nazareth
Christopher Kelly, Easton
Kiovanny Hamlin, Dieruff
Chase Grabfelder, Northampton
Jesse Scott, Emmaus
Justin Cosover, Easton
Shae Linegar, Easton
Evan Gillespie, Pleasant Valley
Daniel Schiffert, Freedom
3rd Team
Jackson Max, Emmaus
Ryan Marano, Northampton
Tegan Caciolo, Emmaus
Noah Fenner, Easton
Ethan Krazer, Easton
Trokon Kai, Whitehall
Dominick Tunison, Nazareth
Ivan Bonilla, Freedom
Quentin Hammerstone, Easton
Xayden Sallit, Emmaus
James Hopkins, Whitehall
Josiah Rodriguez, East Stroudsburg South
Dante Morrison, Liberty
Jackson Max, Emmaus
Willmont Kai, Whitehall
Tegan Caciolo, Emmaus
Levi Max, Emmaus
Jared Santilli, Parkland
Trokon Kai, Whitehall
Kiovanny Hamlin, Dieruff
Rocco Fonzone, Whitehall
Jesse Scott, Emmaus
Xayden Sallit, Emmaus
James Hopkins, Whitehall
William Shakir, William Allen
Max Pugach, Parkland
Jack Jasionowicz, Stroudsburg
Tony Bothwell, Pocono Mountain West
Chris Gerheart, Pocono Mountain East
Zackary Berwick, Stroudsburg
Albert Bialasiewicz, Stroudsburg
Kayden Skibber, Pocono Mountain East
Brandon Roca, East Stoudsburg North
Noah Noguera, Pocono Mountain West
Michael Gomez, East Stroudsburg North
Ivan Laubach, East Stroudsburg South
Jovany Pieretti, East Stroudsburg South
Evan Gillespie, Pleasant Valley
Andrew Mihalichko, Pleasant Valley
EPC Wrestling MVP
Tahir Parkins, Nazareth
Now, here’s a look at highlights from this year’s District XI Individual Wrestling Tournament, plus some of the recent playoff games broadcast on ATVN…
Astound TV Network Sports: District XI Individual Championship Wrestling (2/25)
Astound TV Network Sports: Mahanoy City vs. Catasauqua (2/25)
Astound TV Network Sports: Whitehall vs. Northampton (2/25)
Astound TV Network Sports: Dieruff vs. Easton (2/25)
Copies of the above events plus all our local sports productions can be obtained by contacting the ATVN studio.
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