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Questions in a World of Blue

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Questions in a World of Blue

A few months back, I wrote a blog previewing the “return” of the cult television show, “Twin Peaks.”

I’ve had a chance over the last few months to speak with several people who have added Showtime to their RCN video service and have seen the “Peaks” experience (like it or not, it’s hard to call it a “show”).

If you remember, I gave advice to people who attempted to follow along: ie., have patience—not everything will be explained in a linear, orderly fashion; watch the previous season episodes before you watch “The Return;” and, for goodness sakes, don’t watch the individual parts out of order.

People who took my suggestions have mostly enjoyed the mysterious, intriguing and sometimes baffling journey of “The Return” so far. Others (like RCN TV Studio Manager Rick Geho) decided to pick and choose different episodes to watch randomly—and have frequently exclaimed over the last few months, “What the heck is going on?”

Clearly, you almost need to study the show and watch it a few times through RCN On-Demand or by recording it on your TiVo. Director David Lynch never spells out details and infrequently sticks to a clear path narrative.

Consequently, as we embark on the final three hours of this limited-series run (although Showtime has not ruled out the possibility of a “Season 4”), there are a number of questions that would need answers in order to have some semblance of closure for loyal fans who have followed this program thus far.

So here are some of the questions (note the tie-in with this blog entry’s title) I still have about the current season—mixed in with a few hints at possible answers/resolutions to several of them. If you have a conspiracy theory that you’d like to share, or want to take a shot at any of these, email me at and, if you come close to getting any of these correct, I’ll post your name and give you proper credit in an entry I’ll write after the show concludes in September.

(SPOILER ALERT! If you have not seen “Twin Peaks” through “part 15,” you should go back and watch all the episodes prior to this before continuing.)

Who owns the glass box in New York?

What happened to the security guards in New York? Who/what appeared in the glass box in New York?

Where is the fourth and final missing page from Laura Palmer’s diary?

Who/what is Naido and what happened to her eyes?

What/where is non-existence?

Why is Ronette Pulaski (or the actress who formerly portrayed her) in “non-existence”….and who’s her “mother?”

What is the significance of the numbered electrical outlets then polls?

What is the humming noise in the Great Northern Hotel?

Who is Mr. Strawberry?

Who are Billy, Tina and Linda?

Who/what are the woodsmen?

What was on the note that Big Ed burned and what’s the significance of his gas station… and is there any connection to “Big Ed’s Gas Farm? ”

Who is the “horn honking lady” and what’s up with her sick daughter (& why were they very “far away”…the term used by The Fireman to Good Coop at the beginning of this third season).

What happened to Sarah Palmer..or “what” is she?

What happened to Diane the last evening she was with Mr. C. (& why won’t she tell anyone…or is she working for Mr. C.?)

What happened to Audrey …and “where” is she or why won’t she leave the house?

Is Charlie really Audrey’s husband and is he even real?

Who is the lady on the floor of the Roadhouse and why was she screaming at the end of part 15?

Laura is “the one”… but for what?

Will we ever even see Annie, let alone find out where/how she is? (it WAS the last “season two” cliffhanger, after all).

What about Chris Issack’s character? He disappeared at the beginning of the prequel movie and NO ONE (in or out of the show) has mentioned him since. Might he make a surprise appearance in the finale?

Has this entire series been a dream…and, if so, who is the dreamer? Laura? Cooper? Someone back in 1956?

Check back to “The Shop” after the series finale for a full recap and my thoughts on the series as a whole.


Also, be sure to catch this Thursday’s “SportsTalk” show live on RCN-TV, as well have an exclusive interview with the Phillies organization’s hottest minor league prospect, Scott Kingery, to talk about some potential news and rumors that he’ll receive a call up and/or position change rather soon. We’ll also chat with NFL writer Ed Valentine about pre-season football news and NFC East projections and predictions. Local officials will be on to discuss rule changes for the new high school sports season and we’ll have our second edition of high school football previews on this week’s show as well!