Top 4 ways to build your email list

Top 4 ways to build your email list

Spring—a time of renewal, when millions across America hit their backyards to plant seeds and flowerbeds and prepare for a season of blooming wonder.

As with a garden, a company’s email list must be nurtured to flourish. MarketingSherpa research shows that B2B data decays at an annual rate of 22.5%, whether it’s from opt-outs, or old, abandoned email accounts. Unlike gardening, growing your contact list isn’t seasonal; it’s a yearlong, continuous process (on the plus side, though, it’s a lot less messy and doesn’t require a kneeling cushion).
Here are a few ways you can spring into action to give life to your database and help your email list grow!

    1. Make your website your garden bed

      Driving traffic to your website is key to gathering email addresses, but once those visitors arrive, you need to point them in the right direction. Make sure your website sign-up form is easy to find. Have a call to action on virtually every page, making it simple for them to subscribe. Inbound marketing is also a great way to turn web traffic into qualified leads. You can do this with strong, gated content, from white papers to guides to videos.

    2. Feed it with nourishing social media marketing strategies

      Any lead-gen offer you have, whether it’s a new ebook, video, infographic or promotional offer, make sure your followers on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn know about it. And if the content you’re inviting them to check out isn’t gated, make certain there’s a CTA on the webpage you’re sending them to so that they can subscribe. Also, take another look at your social media pages. Have you provided a link yet for visitors to join your email list? If not, add one.

    3. Expose it to bright live events

      Email lists aren’t just a collection of leads. They’re an assembly of human beings—who like to interact…and engage. Get it front of the people by sponsoring an event, by hosting a webinar, or simply by taking part in networking opportunities. Collecting business cards is still a powerful way to form business connections and turn that human interaction into a new subscriber.

    4. Sprinkle it with promotions

      Posting an informative white paper might get a visitor to submit their email, but offering a prize reward will get them excited to do it. Online contests and sweepstakes are fantastic ways to engage with your audience in a fun and super-beneficial way…especially when you make it interesting enough that they want to share it with friends. Consider your business and think of the right contest and prize is makes sense, then use social media to spread the word! And don’t forget to tap into your existing email list as well via eblasts: A promotion is a great excuse to reinvigorate a stale email list with an opt-in campaign or to encourage your database to “invite a friend” to gather new email addresses.

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