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How To Create An Effective IT Disaster Recovery Plan

While computers, data networks and hosted voice systems have enabled companies to exponentially increase productivity, expand operations and enhance communications, these same technologies can grind entire operations to a halt in seconds if they fail.

Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Customer Service

Most businesses do not have the resources to staff around-the-clock live customer support. That’s where AI comes in.

AI: The Customer Service Agent That Never Sleeps

In the world of customer service, AI is being used to augment customer service agents overwhelmed by the huge increase in remote customer inquiries.

Overcoming Challenges to Technology Adoption | White Paper

Learn from several CIOs about the most pressing issues they have had to overcome and the actions they are implementing for a successful digital transformation.

Do These Three Things — Right Now! — to Reduce Your Telecom Spend

Many organizations treat mobility as a separate IT silo, considering it a second banana to the more traditional desktop-centric approach to day-to-day business operations.

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