Our services vary based on location. Let's see what we have available at your address.
Astound service is available at your address. Get ready to experience faster, easier, more reliable service than you ever thought possible—continue to get connected.
It looks like Astound service may be available at your address. Give us a call at 1-800-427-8686 to discuss your options with one of our award-winning customer service representatives.
It looks like FastMesh service may be available at your address. Give us a call at 206-317-4336 (WA) or 503-893-8638 (OR) to discuss your options with one of our award-winning customer service representatives.
It looks like Astound Broadband isn't available in your area yet. If you have further questions, give our award-winning customer service representatives a call at 1-800-427-8686.
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Astound is on the way to your neighborhood! Call our award-winning customer service representatives at 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686 to find out when we can get you connected with astounding internet services.
It looks like we've already got an order for Astound at this address. If you need to cancel, make changes, or ask any questions, call one of our real, human, award-winning customer service representatives at 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686.
Astound Business Services are available at your address. Get ready to experience faster, easier, more reliable service than you ever thought possible—please call 1-833-249-2786 to get connected.
You're almost ready to go, but we need a few more details. Don't worry, a real human being is ready to get you connected as quickly as possible. Give us a call at 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686 to finish your order.
We've got a couple things to clear up to get you connected to Astound. Give us a call at 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686 so one of our award-winning, U.S-based service representatives can look into this a little more.
We were unable to locate your address in our system. Please check your address and try again. If you would prefer to speak to us by phone, call 1.833.249.27861.800.427.86861.800.427.86861.800.427.8686 to speak to an Astound Business representative.
$40 Internet plus Mobile pricing includes 300 Mbps Internet for $25/mo plus $15 for one 1.5GB mobile phone line. Astound Mobile requires Astound Internet service for initial activation. Line limitations may apply. Equip., intl. & roaming charges, taxes & fees, & other charges extra, & subj. to change. Astound is not liable for any disruptions, failure or interruption of service nor makes any guarantee of service such as network outages. An increased charge will apply if Astound Internet service is not maintained. Mobile service only available in states Astound operates in. Pricing subject to change. In times of congestion, data may be temporarily slowed. After monthly threshold is reached, 1.5GB & 3GB plans data will be capped; Unlimited & Unlimited Plus, speeds reduced to 768 Kbps after 20GB threshold. No rollover data. Additional data can be purchased for $10 per Gig. Coverage not available in some areas. Some uses may require a certain plan or feature.
Customer must sign up for Internet services, be active and in good standing 90 days after installation to remain eligible for gift card. Fulfillment of gift card by Astound Broadband will occur within 120 days of installation date via email to customer’s preferred email address listed on account.
For details on the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and offers, visit www.astound.com/acp.
Offer valid only for new residential Astound powered by RCNWaveGrandeenTouch customers or previous customers with account in good standing who have not had our service within the last 60 days.
Astound Broadband substantiates that the cable modem equipment provided, and the configuration of such cable modem, meets the broadband speeds advertised when attached to a wired connection based on SamKnows testing procedures.
Additional fees apply for taxes, surcharges, equipment, activation and installation that are not included as part of the package and are subject to change. No contract is required to take advantage of the promotional pricing and savings. No early termination fees apply in the event service is terminated in advance of the promotional end date. Customer is responsible for any accrued service charges in the event service is canceled. Subject to credit check. Any additional services, such as equipment, add-on channels and other tiers of service are subject to an additional charge and regular increases. Visit www.astound.com/official-notice for additional terms and conditions. Other restrictions may apply.
A One-Time Activation fee of $14.99 in addition to your installation charges will be applied. The activation fee offsets a portion of our cost of setting up your account, allocating and restocking equipment to our inventory, activating your devices (boxes/modems/routers) on the network, and connecting your home to RCNWaveGrandeenTouch services.
Not all phone services are available in all areas. Calls to international countries will be rated on a per-minute basis. Astound does not provide Caller ID equipment. Additional charges apply to new or moved phone jacks and may apply to additional cable jacks as well as custom or non-standard installation work. Other restrictions may apply.
Astound TV service needed to access other levels of service. Astound TV equipment required on each TV. Minimum internet speed of 100 Mbps is required for Astound TV service. Certain TV packages/tiers require minimum subscription to other levels of TV services. Rates subject to change based on programming cost increases. Availability of channels, packages, TV tiers and other offerings may vary by location and are subject to change. Call for details.
Unless otherwise specified in the offer details, price does not include Network Access and Maintenance FeeInternet Infrastructure FeeNetwork Access and Maintenance FeeNetwork Access and Maintenance Fee of up to $16.93/month, which is subject to change. Network Access and Maintenance FeeInternet Infrastructure FeeNetwork Access and Maintenance FeeNetwork Access and Maintenance Fee helps defray costs associated with building and maintaining our fiber rich broadband network, as well as the costs of expanding network capacity to support the continued increase in customers’ average broadband consumption. This fee is neither government-mandated nor a tax, fee or surcharge imposed by the government; it is a fee that Astound Broadband assesses and retains.
$40 Internet plus Mobile pricing includes 300 Mbps Internet for $25/mo plus $15 for one 1.5GB mobile phone line. Astound Mobile requires Astound Internet service for initial activation. Line limitations may apply. Equip., intl. & roaming charges, taxes & fees, & other charges extra, & subj. to change. Astound is not liable for any disruptions, failure or interruption of service nor makes any guarantee of service such as network outages. An increased charge will apply if Astound Internet service is not maintained. Mobile service only available in states Astound operates in. Pricing subject to change. In times of congestion, data may be temporarily slowed. After monthly threshold is reached, 1.5GB & 3GB plans data will be capped; Unlimited & Unlimited Plus, speeds reduced to 768 Kbps after 20GB threshold. No rollover data. Additional data can be purchased for $10 per Gig. Coverage not available in some areas. Some uses may require a certain plan or feature.
Customer must sign up for Internet services, be active and in good standing 90 days after installation to remain eligible for gift card. Fulfillment of gift card by Astound Broadband will occur within 120 days of installation date via email to customer’s preferred email address listed on account.
For details on the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and offers, visit www.astound.com/acp.
Offer valid only for new residential Astound powered by RCNWaveGrandeenTouch customers or previous customers with account in good standing who have not had our service within the last 60 days.
Astound Broadband substantiates that the cable modem equipment provided, and the configuration of such cable modem, meets the broadband speeds advertised when attached to a wired connection based on SamKnows testing procedures.
Additional fees apply for taxes, surcharges, equipment, activation and installation that are not included as part of the package and are subject to change. No contract is required to take advantage of the promotional pricing and savings. No early termination fees apply in the event service is terminated in advance of the promotional end date. Customer is responsible for any accrued service charges in the event service is canceled. Subject to credit check. Any additional services, such as equipment, add-on channels and other tiers of service are subject to an additional charge and regular increases. Visit www.astound.com/official-notice for additional terms and conditions. Other restrictions may apply.
A One-Time Activation fee of $14.99 in addition to your installation charges will be applied. The activation fee offsets a portion of our cost of setting up your account, allocating and restocking equipment to our inventory, activating your devices (boxes/modems/routers) on the network, and connecting your home to RCNWaveGrandeenTouch services.
Not all phone services are available in all areas. Calls to international countries will be rated on a per-minute basis. Astound does not provide Caller ID equipment. Additional charges apply to new or moved phone jacks and may apply to additional cable jacks as well as custom or non-standard installation work. Other restrictions may apply.
Astound TV service needed to access other levels of service. Astound TV equipment required on each TV. Minimum internet speed of 100 Mbps is required for Astound TV service. Certain TV packages/tiers require minimum subscription to other levels of TV services. Rates subject to change based on programming cost increases. Availability of channels, packages, TV tiers and other offerings may vary by location and are subject to change. Call for details.
Unless otherwise specified in the offer details, price does not include Network Access and Maintenance FeeInternet Infrastructure FeeNetwork Access and Maintenance FeeNetwork Access and Maintenance Fee of up to $16.93/month, which is subject to change. Network Access and Maintenance FeeInternet Infrastructure FeeNetwork Access and Maintenance FeeNetwork Access and Maintenance Fee helps defray costs associated with building and maintaining our fiber rich broadband network, as well as the costs of expanding network capacity to support the continued increase in customers’ average broadband consumption. This fee is neither government-mandated nor a tax, fee or surcharge imposed by the government; it is a fee that Astound Broadband assesses and retains.